Real People, Real Stories,
Real Results
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The BNspired platform is created to inspire our family, friends, and anyone considering or who has previously had Weight Loss Surgery (WLS).

Every Journey Is Special
Only you have lived your story, and we aspire to provide a platform for a wide selection of your incredible efforts, the challenges you have overcome, and the successes of having Bariatric Surgery.
We Are Not Alone
When you share your WLS journey and how it has impacted you, you show people they are not alone. Your story can show that overcoming any WLS difficulties is possible and raises the opportunity for connection.
Become Empowered
BN Healthy is committed to delivering a safe community to share your story. We strive to break down the stigma around obesity and bariatric surgery with ethical, individual storytelling.
Please help build our BNspiring stories, sharing some aspects of your journey to empowerment. In the end, we all become stories – and your story matters!
I’m so well. I had a heart scan when my brother died unexpectedly from heart disease. It came back with less than 10% chance of heart disease. The hardest part was when a really good friend never once commented on my loss. All my friends and acquaintances have, even people I don’t know very well, but this one friend hasn’t said a word. That hurts...
View DetailsVery best part is that I am able to actually enjoy life with my family and go on the kids swing now and the joy in my daughters face while spending time with her rather than sitting on the side line...
View DetailsI’m happier than I’ve ever been, I’m more confident than I’ve ever been and for the first time I also feel attractive. I hope others on this journey feel the same way about themselves as I do...
View DetailsThe best result I've had, is NOW being smaller than 2 of my sisters. I had to laugh, my sister asked me for all my fat clothes. The 2 hardest things that I had to endure, is the loss of my lovely long hair and now the excess skin. My partner will pay for the excess skin to be removed if I want to...
View DetailsFor the first time in my adult life I felt confident in flying and sitting in an airplane seat without having to wear a seat belt extender and feeling like my body touches someone else. I love being about to cross my legs!...
View DetailsMy love and passion for fitness, I believe it's kept my mind right, my weight stable and made me strong...
View DetailsIt's time to BNspired!
Fill the form, clicking the button below, write your experience and every month we will add your story here!