Jacqui Lewis - 17 Dec 2020
Gut Health

GUT HEALTH seems to be one of the “Buzz Words” in the health space at the moment.
You might have read words such as Microbes, Bacteria, Gut health and Microbiome and wondered how having a lot of bacteria can POSSIBLY be a good thing!

Having your Gut in good order will help prevent
Depressed mood
Regular Colds and Flu
And will keep you full of energy and Vitality
Try these products and to promote good gut health
BN Fibre
Feel Good Tasteless collagen
Formulite Meal replacements with Pre and Probiotic
Arun Dhir - Happy Gut, Healthy Weight Book
Sandra Cabot - Fatty Liver -. You can Reverse It
BN Fibre

Grit & taste free so it won’t alter the texture or taste of your.
This instantly dissolving fibre powder contains 5 grams of fibre in every serving.
You can mix BN Fibre with as little as 60ml of water.
It contains no potassium or phosphorous, making it renal friendly!
Formulite Shake

Formulite Meal replacements with Pre and Probiotic
Happy Gut, Healthy Weight

Arun Dhir - Happy Gut, Healthy Weight Book
Fatty Liver

Sandra Cabot - Fatty Liver -
You can Reverse It.
Article credit : Jacqui Lewis